空间行为分析方法. 王德, 朱玮, 王灿. 北京: 科学出版社, 2021 (专著).
Spatial behavior analysis methods. De Wang, Wei Zhu, Can Wang. Beijing: Science Press, 2021 (Book).
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个体时空行为的规律性与可预测性研究——以上海市居民工作日活动为例. 王德, 谢栋灿, 王灿, 殷振轩. 地理科学进展, 2021, 40(3): 433-440.
Study on regularity and predictability of individual spatiotemporal behavior: A case study of residents working day activities in Shanghai. De Wang, Dongcan Xie, Can Wang, Zhenxuan Yin. Progress in Geography, 2021, 40(3): 433-440.
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Total investment in fixed assets and the later stage of urbanization: A case study of Shanghai. Yulong Luo, Can Wang, Chen Chen, et al. Sustainability, 2021, 13(7), 3661.
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基于消费者行为的商业空间绩效评价体系建构. 王灿, 王德, 朱玮, 宋姗. 城市规划, 2021, (3): 9-21.
Construction of assessment system on commercial space performance based on consumer behavior. Can Wang, De Wang, Wei Zhu, Shan Song. City Planning Review, 2021, (3): 9-21.
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The relationship between street environment and street crime: A case study of Pudong New Area, Shanghai, China. Minling Zeng, Yuanyuan Mao, Can Wang. Cities, 2021, 112(5), 103143.
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Understanding consumers’ spatial behavior in urban commercial environment by extracting typical routes. Can Wang, De Wang, Shan Song, Wei Zhu. ACSP (Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning) Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada, November, 2020.
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Identifying human interactions in built environment: deep learning analytics on camera data for urban vibrancy evaluation. Can Wang, Yan Zhang, Yang Liu, Yuanda Hu, Jiajie Li, et al.  International Conference on Urban Studies: “Celebrations, Aspirations and Expectations”, London, UK, May, 2020.
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基于消费者行为模拟的商业综合体空间优化策略. 王灿, 王德, 朱玮, 殷振轩, 宋姗. 南方建筑, 2020, (2): 1-9.
Spatial Improvement Strategies for Commercial Complexes Based on Simulations of Consumer Behavior. Can Wang, De Wang, Wei Zhu, Zhenxuan Yin, Shan Song. South Architecture, 2020, (2): 1-9.
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Study on the spatial configuration of nursing homes for the elderly people in Shanghai: Based on their choice preference. Shan Song, De Wang, Wei Zhu, Can Wang. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2020, 152(3); doi: 10.1016/j.techfore.2019.119859.
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上海人口老龄化如何影响经济社会发展. 春燕, 郭海生, 王灿. 上海经济研究, 2019, (8): 51-63.
A system dynamics analysis of the influence of population aging on economic an social development in Shanghai. Yan Chun, Haisheng Guo, Can Wang. Shanghai Journal of Economics, 2019, (8): 51-63.
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旅游社区居民外迁影响因素研究——基于问卷和人口普查数据的鼓浪屿实证研究. 李渊, 付航, 高小涵, 王灿. 旅游学刊, 2019, 34(5): 117-127.
Study on the influencing factors of residents’ relocation in tourism community —— An empirical study of Gulangyu Island based on questionnaire and census data. Yuan Li, Hang Fu, Xiaohan Gao, Can Wang. Tourism Tribune, 2019, 34(5): 117-127.
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Spacial characteristics of demand and supply of elderly care institution in Shanghai. Shan Song, Can Wang. Annual Conference of Association of American Geographers, Washington DC, USA, Apr, 2019.
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Space–time analysis of vehicle theft patterns in Shanghai, China. Yuanyuan Mao, Shenzhi Dai, Jiajun Ding, Wei Zhu, Can Wang, Xinyue Ye. International Journal of Geo-Information, 2018, 7(9), 357; doi: 10.3390/ijgi7090357.
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消费者行为视角下的商业综合体功能复合效应与机制. 王灿, 王德, 朱玮, 宋姗. 新建筑, 2018, (4): 112-116.
Multi-functional effects and mechanism of commercial complex from the perspective of consumer behavior. Can Wang, De Wang, Wei Zhu, Shan Song. New Architecture, 2018, (4): 112-116.
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消费者行为视角下的大宁商业综合体空间绩效评价. 任熙元, 王灿, 王德, 陈胜馨. 规划师, 2018, 34(2): 101-107.
Spatial performance evaluation of Daning commercial complex based on consumers’ behavior. Xi-Yuan Ren, Can Wang, De Wang, Shengxin Chen. Planners, 2018, 34(2): 101-107.
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Classification and prediction of pedestrian routes in urban commercial space. Can Wang, De Wang, Wei Zhu, Shan Song. Annual Conference of Association of American Geographers, New Orleans, USA, Apr, 2018.
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基于行为偏好模型的商业综合体空间优化策略研究——以大宁国际商业广场(上海)为例. 任熙元, 王灿, 王德. 时代建筑, 2017, (5): 54-59.
Spatial improvement strategies based on behavior preference model: a case study of the Daning commercial complex, Shanghai. Xi-Yuan Ren, Can Wang, De Wang. Time Architecture, 2017, (5): 54-59.
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商业综合体的消费者空间行为特征与评价. 王德, 王灿, 朱玮, 宋姗. 建筑学报, 2017, 581(2): 27-32.
Spatial features and assessment of consumer behavior in commercial complex.  De Wang, Can Wang, Wei Zhu, Shan Song. Architectural Journal, 2017, 581(2): 27-32.
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基于行为偏好的休闲步行环境改善研究. 刘珺, 王德, 朱玮, 王昊阳, 王灿. 城市规划, 2017, 41(9): 58-63.
Research on improvement of recreational walking environment based on behavior preference. Jun Liu, De Wang, Wei Zhu, Hao-Yang Wang, Can Wang. City Planning Review, 2017, 41(9): 58-63.
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基于需求偏好的上海市养老机构空间配置研究. 宋姗, 王德, 朱玮, 王灿. 城市规划, 2016, 40(8): 77-90.
Spatial allocation study on Shanghai’s nursing facilities for the elderly: based on the elderly’s choice behavior. Shan Song, De Wang, Wei Zhu, Can Wang. City Planning Review, 40(8): 77-90.
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上海顾村公园樱花节大客流特征及预警研究——基于手机信令数据的探索. 方家, 王德, 谢栋灿, 王灿, 等. 城市规划, 2016, 40(6): 43-51.
Research on dynamic change and early warning of large tourist flow based on mobile signal data analysis: a case study of Gucun park Sakura Festival in Shanghai. Jia Fang, De Wang, Dong-Can Xie, Can Wang, et al. City Planning Review, 40(6): 43-51.
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基于消费者行为的商业综合体空间特征与评价——以上海五角场万达广场为例. 王灿, 王德, 朱玮. 2015年中国城市规划年会, 贵阳, 2015年9月.
Spatial Features and Assessment of Commercial Complex Based on Consumer Behavior: a Case Study of Shanghai Wujiaochang Wanda Plaza. Annual National Planning Conference 2015, Guiyang, China, Sep, 2015.
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Consumer behavior in commercial complex: simulation models and planning implications. Can Wang, De Wang, Wei Zhu. Annual Conference of Association of American Geographers, Chicago, USA, Apr, 2015.
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离散选择模型研究进展. 王灿, 王德, 朱玮, 宋姗. 地理科学进展, 2015, 34(10): 1275-1287.
Research progress of discrete choice models. Can Wang, De Wang, Wei Zhu, Shan Song. Progress in Geography, 2015, 34(10): 1275-1287.
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基于手机信令数据的上海市不同等级商业中心商圈的比较——以南京东路、五角场、鞍山路为例. 王德, 王灿, 谢栋灿, 等. 城市规划学刊, 2015, (3): 50-60.
Comparison of retail trades areas of retail centers with different hierarchical levels: a case study of East Nanjing Road, Wujiaochang, Anshan Road in Shanghai. De Wang, Can Wang, Dong-Can Xie, et al. Urban Planning Forum, 2015, (3): 50-60.
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基于参观者行为模拟的空间规划与管理研究——青岛世园会的案例. 王德, 王灿, 朱玮, 等. 城市规划, 2015, 39(2): 65-70.
Large-scale exposition planning and management optimization based on visitors’ behavior simulation: a case study of Qingdao International Horticultural Exposition 2014. De Wang, Can Wang, Wei Zhu, et al. City Planning Review, 2015, 39(2): 65-70.
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高铁站点周边地区的发展与规划——基于京沪高铁的实证分析. 王兰, 王灿, 陈晨, 顾浩. 城市规划学刊, 2014(4): 31-37.
Development and planning of the surrounding area of high-speed rail stations: based on empirical study of Beijing-Shanghai line. Lan Wang, Can Wang, Chen Chen, Hao Gu. Urban Planning Forum, 2014(4): 31-37.
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城市公交运营参数时变特征的推断性统计研究——以保定市为例. 王灿, 汤宇卿. 交通标准化, 2014, 42(19): 34-37.
Inferential statistical research on features of hourly variations of urban public transportation parameters: a case study of Baoding. Can Wang, Yu-Qing Tang. Transportation Standardization, 2014, 42(19): 34-37.
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起讫点矩阵与产生吸引点矩阵的相互转换. 王灿, 汤宇卿. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2014, 42(2): 252-258.
Mutual transformation between OD matrix and PA matrix. Can Wang, Yu-Qing Tang. Journal of Tongji University (Nature Science), 2014, 42(2): 252-258.
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博弈论视角下的交通分配系统最优与用户均衡的探讨. 王灿, 汤宇卿. 武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版), 2014, 38(4): 850-854.
Discussion of system optimum and user equilibrium in traffic assignment with the perspective of game theory. Can Wang, Yu-Qing Tang. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology (Transportation Science & Engineering), 2014, 38(4): 850-854.
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2014年青岛世园会参观人流模拟研究. 王德, 王灿, 朱玮, 等. 2013年中国城市规划年会, 青岛, 2013年11月.
Simulation analysis of visitors’ activities in Qingdao International Horticultural Exposition 2014. De Wang, Can Wang, Wei Zhu, et al. Annual National Planning Conference 2013,  Qingdao, China, Nov. 2013.
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多代理人模拟技术在大型展会规划及管理中的应用:以青岛2014世界园艺博览会为例. 朱玮, 王德, 王灿, 等. 2013年国外城市规划学术委员会及《国际城市规划》杂志编委会年会, 武汉, 2013年11月.
Application of multi-agent simulation technology in the planning and administration of large-scale exhibitions: a case study of Qingdao 2014 World Horticulture ExpositionSymposium of the Academic Committee of Foreign Studies in Urban Planning & the Journal of Urban Planning International, Wuhan, China, Nov, 2013.
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苏州观前商业街区消费者行为模型构建与应用. 王德, 李光德, 朱玮, 王灿, 等. 城市规划, 2013, 37(9): 28-33.
Establishment and application of consumers’ behavior model in Guanqian commercial street, Suzhou
. De Wang, Guang-De Li, Wei Zhu, Can Wang, et al. City Planning Review, 2013, 37(9): 28-33.

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